Sonas Bathrooms
Content Marketing Executive
During my 6-month contract with Sonas Bathrooms, I successfully leveraged various social media platforms to drive brand awareness and engagement.
One of my key responsibilities was utilising my graphic design skills to create visually appealing content that aligned seamlessly with the brand guidelines. This involved crafting compelling and persuasive copy for social media posts, website blogs, and gallery website content.
Fast Fashion Unadorned
Illustration, Graphic Design, Solo Project
For my final year project, I chose to highlight the non-sustainable and exploitative practices of the fast fashion industry. As part of this project, I created an illustrative storytelling parallax website. This website is designed to be used as an educational tool to inform users about the real world implications of the fast fashion industry. It is designed to appeal to a chosen demographic and promote sustainability. All elements of the design, including character creation, logo design, animation and narrative are created by me.
TNR West - Local Animal Charity - Promo Video
Promotional Video
I worked with a local animal rescue charity to create a promotional video that highlights the importance of choosing to adopt an animal versus buying an animal. The video tells the story of 'Susie', who was rescued and re-homed by TNR West from a life of cruelty and neglect.
Animated Parallax Website
Web Development & Design
As part of a group project in year two, I helped to design a parallax website about the importance of using public transport in Ireland to reduce CO2 Emissions and help the environment. The website was shortlisted for the 'Transport for Ireland' competition. I personally worked on the web design and graphics while my team member worked on coding and web development.
Book Cover Design
Illustration Typography Project - First Year College.
This is a book cover that I designed and created using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign. 'Pan's Labyrinth' is a book on which one of my favourite films is based. This was done as part of an assignment for college. I believe that my overall design reflects the film's aesthetics.